
Each one’s work will become clear;
for the Day will declare it,
because it will be revealed by fire; 
and the fire will test each one’s work,
of what sort it is.

1 Corinthians 3:13

Church Events

Sunday Schedule

Sunday School @ 9:30 AM
Current Study:
"Hope in the Lord"
Janet Oellig & Kathy Tatala
Open for all adults

Sunday Worship @ 10:45 AM

Special Offering for Ukraine

The Whole Month Of July

“Bread of Life Ministries” was birthed 5 years ago, as Pastor Oksana felt the Lord had beckoned her to begin a Street Ministry that would reach out to the less fortunate people of Kyiv. Those that were led by God’s Holy Spirit were/are the less fortunate, including the homeless and several who are addicted to alcohol. The Ministry has included the provision of food, clothing & various over the counter medications to those in need. The food is prepared the day of the meetings (Tuesdays & Fridays). There are usually 20 to 50 people who attend, especially the outdoor meetings. Since its inception, Bread of Life Ministries has led 153 people to Jesus the Christ as their Lord & Savior.

Sewing Bees

9:30 - 11:30 AM ,
weekly in the church library
in recess

Bible Study

in recess